Web Design, SEO and Copywriting: The Complete Package

You may have just been presented with a stunning, well-branded new website from your web designer, but is this enough to bring you online success. There are numerous important factors which have implications on the performance of your website, and we will outline the three core areas in this article.

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Web Design

The expected standards for web design have risen substantially in recent years. No longer is it acceptable to simply churn out a mediocre (and forgettable) website. The only impact this will have is leaving a sour taste in the mouths of your visitors, who will certainly not be coming back for more. When getting your website designed, make sure that it follows modern web design principles, including the provision of clear concise information and increasingly minimalist layout styles.

Search Engine Optimisation

Once you have a beautiful new website which perfectly represents your brand, the next step is to drive some traffic to it. Time permitting, many SMEs opt to perform these tasks themselves. However, given that there is an ocean of ever-evolving knowledge in the SEO field, many opt to employ SEO consultants instead. The time spent researching and improving your website in line with the latest optimal SEO principles can easy be avoided by consulting an expert within the field.

If you decide that you are going to make the investment of hiring SEO professionals, it is essential that you vet each and every one accordingly. You will no doubt have heard of the terms ‘white hat’ and ‘black hat’ SEO. Many SEO ‘experts’ will claim to be able to guarantee that you will reach the number one spot in Google, even though it is impossible to do ethically in today’s world. Make sure you select an SEO consultant who will provide you with ethical and lasting results, and you can be assured your site will maintain its high rank for the duration.


The written content on your homepage and throughout the rest of your site is one of the most influential factors on how a potential customer perceives your brand. A lot of the time, your website visitors will make their mind up within seconds of landing on your site about whether they are interested or not. Ensure that the copy introducing your site is concise, thought-provoking and compelling. Use this opportunity to portray your brand characteristics, helping you to resonate with like-minded consumers.

Writing impressive copy does not stop at the homepage. The content throughout your site is a constant representation of your site. There is absolutely no excuse for spelling mistakes or incorrect use of grammar and you must focus on making your content as digestible as possible. Without this crucial element, visitors will quickly turn off, click the back button and you can wave goodbye to the chance of getting any new business from them.

Other Factors

There are obviously numerous other factors which play a part in ensuring the success of your website. However, these three are the most influential of the bunch, and must be taken seriously from the outset.

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